PLANET LEBANON THE 7TH CONFERENCE: register online now !

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Dear LIBC members and Friends
Please mark your calendars and save the date to attend the PLANET LEBANON THE 7TH CONFERENCE on 3-4 August, 2017.
LIBC invites Lebanese across the world to find their way back home again, bearing success stories, initiatives and a lot of love to share with their fellow countrymen.
We believe that our diverse and dynamic group of speakers and panelists provided and will provide in-depth insight, as well as, actionable and practical tools of engagement models, methods and mechanisms.
We do believe that together we can achieve more and we can support our beloved country, Lebanon, at all levels.
Here we are, together for the third year, preparing for the Immigrant’s Reunion 2017 to witness a new Lebanon, a new phoenix rising from the ashes youthfully, full of energy, determination and hope.
You were always our priority and the everlasting source of richness and pride. The journey of your success that we are celebrating continues to flourish, yet our efforts to engage you in lebanon’s future is being enhanced and followed thoroughly in order to fulfill and accomplish our governments obligations towards you.
With the elections of a new president of the republic General Michel Aoun and the set of a new government headed by the Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and with the hope the parliamentary elections is on date, we hope that the government of Lebanon will adopt a startup plan for development and a strong back up of stability while other resources are awaited to be explored.
The bet is more secured that your participation is worthy to deliver a strong message that we are united and engaged to build a nation crowned by stability and vested by achievements, excellence and creations.
We encourage you to register online via this link

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