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لقراءة الدعوة باللغة العربية

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The Lebanese International Business Council (LIBC), was established in 1999, as a non-profit organization aiming to unite Lebanese Business people around the globe by creating a platform for business opportunities, to promote Lebanese industries and businesses; and to provide Lebanese communities abroad with a united voice encouraging them to influence and participate in business, political and social decisions in their host countries.

Building on the great success of previous Planet Lebanon conferences, LIBC is proud to organize the Immigrants’ Reunion 2016 to be held on August 9th, 2016 at the Monroe Hotel from 9:30am to 2:00pm followed by tours to the historic sights of Lebanon.

This annual event is a manifestation of new visions, old hopes and genuine desire for a brand new Lebanon through providing a place for the creation and development of Lebanese-international ties to grant a chance for Lebanese Diaspora to network together, exchange information, explore possibilities to promote Lebanese products and services, and share discussions on vital issues such as the immigrants’ voting rights.

On behalf of the Lebanese international Business Council (LIBC), we would like to ask you kindly to share your expertise in this LIBC seminar held in Beirut on August 9th, 2016.

We hope that you will attend this event and provide us with a list of confirmed attendees in order to include them in the participants’ list.


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