Mark your Calendar: LIBC General Assembly Meeting, August 8th, 2018

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Dear Members
You are kindly invited to attend the meeting of the LIBC General Assembly which will be held on August 8th, 2018 at 10:00 AM. At Monroe Hotel, located facing Phoenicia hotel, Ain El Mreisseh.

Download the Nomination Letter 

We encourage you to invite Lebanese expatriates who are in Lebanon, to attend this very important meeting.
I trust that each Director will invite at least 10 Lebanese immigrants to attend the general assembly meeting.
The purpose of this is to encourage people to become members and to attend the Immigrants Reunion 2018 conference which will be held also on August 2nd, 2018 at 10:00 AM. At Monroe Hotel.  Please send letters, e-mails, and invitations and contact any of your friends and/or associates who can attend this meeting.
Also please confirm your attendance
All members and guests, as well as the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, are invited to attend the meeting, so it is important that you confirm your attendance at least one week in advance.
I really count on your help at this time.
Kindly confirm your presence by return Email or Fax.
Tel: 961-1-366053 / 03-072672
Fax: 961-1-377059

Agenda of the General Assembly Meeting

Establishing Quorum
President Report
Financial Report of 2017
Coffee Break
Bylaws Amendment
Immigrants Reunion 2018
Executive Committee Election (Elected by Board of Directors)
Chairman of Board of Trustees Election
New Business
General Discussion

Dr. Nassib Fawaz                                    


Lebanese International Business Council (LIBC)

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