LIBC.NET and the WWW (World Wide Web)

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The Internet and WWW (World Wide Web) have been established themselves as the backbone of the world wide “Information Superhighway” and of the electronic commerce market. Given the rapidly growing number of WWW users, many companies are looking for ways to exploit the advantages that this new distribution channel has to offer.
Being in the era of Information, it is becoming more and more difficult for the end user to find desired information quickly and reliably, as the number of available “Homepages” and quantity of online information is exploding. This results in unfocused, unreliable, and wrong distribution of information. The Lebanese communities are heavily using the WWW for business, entertainment, research, and other official activities. Thus, these communities need a focused Service Provider that serves their needs being anywhere in the world.
Many well established Lebanese Businesses are not well know to other Lebanese Communities because of the diversity of the Internet Publications and Ads and because of the Earth’s size. We want the Lebanese communities to be seeking those Businesses for their traditional trading and consultancy transactions instead of going to others. Introducing these Businesses in one online Marketplace will help them get the best deals by comparing different offers and proposals resulting in a more confident decision.
LIBC.Net, solve this problem targeting the Lebanese Communities worldwide. We want to provide a career planning for the outstanding students and provide good working opportunities and environments to the successful Lebanese professionals that are working abroad for Multinational Companies. We want them to educate other Lebanese employees from their professional experience and knowledge.
Our goal is a successful business. LIBC.Net will be growing in visitors, information, and knowledge. The Number of Websites increasing at rate of 16% per month, which means the Web triples in size each year.
The innovation of LIBC.Net lies in its interactive and, to the end-user, appealing integration of everyday information that needs to be gathered from newspapers, telephone books, radio, and other media.
Finally, please mark your calendars and save the date to attendPLANET LEBANON THE 7TH CONFERENCE on 2-3 August, 2017. We do believe that together we can achieve more and we can support our beloved country, Lebanon, at all levels.
Let me take this occasion to wish all of you, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
LIBC Founding President
Ned Fawaz

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