25 consortiums interested in hydro-power production in Lebanon

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The Ministry of Energy and Water (MoEW) has received 25 Expressions of Interest (EoIs) from local and international companies to participate in public-private partnerships for the development of hydroelectricity projects.

The EoIs, for the development, operation, and production of hydropower stations, cover more than ten rivers all over the country. They include projects with proposed capacities ranging from four to 40 megawatts (MW).

A technical team at the MoEW is reviewing all submitted EOIs.
A total of 17 consortiums showed interest in building and operating hydroelectric plants in Mount Lebanon, four in the Bekaa, another four in Akkar, and one in the North.

Companies from 14 countries including China, France, Greece, and Portugal presented bids with local partners. The highest number of bids was from Italian and Canadian companies.

Major local companies that presented an EoI included CTC Samsung, Unigaz, Butec, and Batco.

Upon conducting the required technical and financial assessments, the MoEW will sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the winning companies, whereby they would sell electricity to Electricité du Liban for a period of 20 years.

The Ministry launched a tender in March for hydropower stations that would generate four megawatts each, across all regions. The proposed hydropower stations should have a total combined generation of 300 MW.

The Cabinet is legally mandated to issue permits to the private sector to generate electricity from renewable energy sources, and to transport it through the national grid.

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